First Volunteer Bank opened their doors in 1904, positioning themselves as "the local economic engine" for the communities they serve. With 31 branches across Tennessee and Northwest Georgia, this community-driven bank's core purpose is helping customers with a well-built financial foundation.
The bank was expanding its footprint, but they knew it was time to realign. Their current name, 'First Volunteer," and color palete, were restricting their expansion, and that's where the Maycreate team came in.
It all began with brand platorm development. Following discovery sessions with the bank's leadership, our team developed a brand platform that defined purpose, promise, pillars, and brand personality, as well as competitive advantages, specific reasons to believe, and the individual personas of our target audience.
These valuable facts then drove our team's effort for renaming the bank, then planning a strategic rollout that included introducing their new name and brand ID to their employees, current customers, and extended communities. After the unveiling, our team set to work developing a wide variety of campaigns on their behalf.