Audio Advertising

Don’t buy radio ads, they say.

It’s en vogue these days for marketing gurus to declare the death of traditional media. Broadcast is a favorite target and poor old radio is all too often at the top of the list.

What if we told you that radio isn’t dead, just a little different? What if we told you an astonishing 90% of Americans listen to the radio. NINETY. PERCENT. 

Your first response probably isn’t “How do I avoid speaking to them.”

Radio and programmatic audio work in concert to build your brand voice.

Radio is the perfect channel to let potential customers literally hear your brand’s voice. In it’s charmingly nostalgic way, station programming provides everything you need to target the right customers with the right message.

Does that mean we aren’t excited about digital channels like streaming audio, podcasts, and online radio? Heck no. In every case, it’s not about the channel but about the people you’re trying to reach, and borrowing attention from the sounds their ears already love.

The audience is listening. Are you going to speak up?

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