Video Production

You don’t shoot great video with cameras.

Almost anyone can shoot a video these days. Almost everyone can—and does—post a video to YouTube or Facebook or Instagram. And it’s undeniable that every so often the most unlikely amateur video can exert an amazing level of influence on audiences.

None of this means that shooting a great video for your brand is as simple as grabbing a smartphone and tapping the red button. To paraphrase pioneering cinematographer Shane Hurlbut: cameras are just toys; light is the game.

Great video requires focus.

Something weird and amazing happens when we watch a great video: we believe in what we’re watching. A well executed video—built on a durable cinematic grammar and narrative structure—can lay the foundation of your brand’s story. With video, you can present your brand’s promise in a way that your customer not only understands, but one that makes them want to buy into what you’re doing.

Great video comes in many forms and flavors, from 5-second motion graphics pre-roll on YouTube to a 28-second national broadcast spot to long-form documentary journalism. We’ve handled them all, and we’ll put the right video to work for your business.

Work Samples