Meet Shawn Tarr

 Monty Wyne

He grew up in the Midwest. Marion, Illinois to be exact. The vast prairies, his family, and his teachers inspired and encouraged his creative talent. He wrote, shot, edited, and directed his own movies in high school. He was always doodling in his textbooks. And his mom was an early influence. She was an artist and taught him the fundamentals.

Shawn graduated from Southern Illinois University with a BFA. He’d originally pursued a degree in plant soil science. Having worked with his dad in landscaping, he wanted to apply his design and aesthetic skills to the outdoors, but that didn’t work out. So, he took a little time to reevaluate, and decided his future was creating art and exceptional design.

First job after college? He was a production designer at a local print shop. It was quick turnaround designing logos, pamphlets, and posters. A couple of years later he began looking for bigger opportunities in Chicago, St. Louis, and Indianapolis. As luck would have it, a former employer was starting an ad agency in Marion. Shawn reached out to him and landed a job as a graphic designer. He immersed himself in larger concepts, ideas, and presentation.

After a few years, Shawn, and his partner Jenny, were becoming a little restless. They’d grown up in Marion but were looking for a new adventure. They’d explored out west but proximity to home, and a place where they could put down roots were a must. And then they discovered Chattanooga, which was “right in the Goldilocks zone,” says Shawn.

They’d both done a lot of camping, hiking, and kayaking in the Shawnee National Forest in southern Illinois with its ancient sandstone cliffs, and steep bluffs. Both were looking for new experiences in that realm. Chattanooga fit the bill. There’s also another reason they decided to move here, but more on that in a minute.

Beyond venturing into the wilderness, Shawn and Jenny also enjoy “treasure hunting.” Looking for unique and unusual things that catch their eye. They meet all sorts of interesting people, like Toby. He’d decided it was time to part with his extensive collection of original music albums from the ‘70s and ‘80s. Zeplin and Stevie Wonder were just a few of the famous artists. Not only did Shawn pick up a couple of classics but Toby regaled him with his wealth of knowledge on that era of music. “It was a rewarding experience,” says Shawn.

So, what’s the second reason they moved to Chattanooga?  Following a conversation and a short list of ad agencies from a friend’s sister who lived here, Shawn decided to send Brian May an email. A week later Brian called him and as Shawn says, “The rest is history.”  Welcome to Maycreate and  Chattanooga, Shawn.