Holiday Shopping Arrived Early This Year. Have You?

 Monty Wyne

Ready for the holiday rush? It started over a month-and-a-half ago and it’s not slowing down. It’s picking up speed. Sales are predicted to grow almost 7% over last year. As a company or business, what can you do to take advantage of this season’s sales opportunities? Read on...

From your website to your social media, here are some things you can address before the season gets ahead of you. First question, how long does it take your website to load? It should be seconds, not minutes. What about its design and functionality? Is it responsive so it easily adapts to mobile? Today’s shoppers are smart and sophisticated. Price comparisons, reviews, testimonials are a must and will put you steps ahead of your competitors. 

Next up, have you optimized your site so you can attract your share of holiday traffic? Two of the best ways to do that are fine-tuning both SEO and SEM or Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing. You should also categorize site pages with action-oriented keywords and headers. Remember that SEM is the faster way to build traffic but is more expensive because you’ll be bidding against others for those relevant keywords.

With that in mind, this will be another e-commerce driven season and many of your transactions will take place on customers’ mobile phones. More than half of the country’s 2020’s digital holiday revenue ($71.31 billion) came from those devices. Now’s the time to be connecting with existing and new customers on all digital and mobile channels. Plus, digital shopping is now more immersive because customers want to recreate that in-store experience from home. Videos are a must.

This brings us to social media. Make sure your messaging is on-brand and contains a call to action. One other important consideration, some shoppers have difficulty deciding on what to buy for others, which leads us to the advantage of Facebook’s “Discovery Commerce.” Shoppers engage with a social app that provides them with personalized inspiration or that “stroke of luck” they experience when they discover an unexpected product they weren’t looking for but it turns out to be the perfect gift.

No doubt this is a lot to consider and put into action. How about a faster, easier, and effective way to get your holiday marketing campaign up and running?  Give John Wagoner, brand strategist, and account supervisor, a call or drop him an email. And from all of us to you, Happy Holidays.  or  (423) 255-9961.