Thinking Small Could Pay Big Dividends

 Monty Wyne

A surprising transformation is taking place in the world of marketing and advertising. Small agency success is on the rise and the trend is growing faster every day. So, why the sudden change? Could it be big isn’t necessarily better? If you’re in the market or thinking about hiring an ad agency for the first time, you should read on. 

To begin, small agencies are driven by their success stories and their innate ability to innovate and create work that’s not just effective but is unexpected and gets remembered. They’re also more personal and down-to-earth with clients and they cut to the chase when it comes to working faster and more efficiently. A small agency has no time for downtime.

Beyond innovating, a small team works closely together because each member knows how essential it is to go above and beyond, meeting every client’s expectations. And that means honoring deadlines and client requests. After all, the team’s performance has a big impact on agency revenue so they will do everything possible to contribute, ensuring their clients are successful.

Small agencies also have a much tighter and respected culture. Team members are honest and straightforward with each other and with clients as well. This connection fosters engagement, inspiration, and creativity. Every team member believes in what they do and enjoys the challenge of growing a clients’ business and watching that company or business prosper.

Another advantage that’s high on the small agency list is the efficient use of resources. A small shop knows they must work even harder to deliver outstanding results on a smaller budget. Therefore, there’s less red tape, fewer middlemen, and an absence of unwarranted bureaucracy.

One last, but very important point of difference, is that small agencies are more transparent. Transparency can help build better, more profitable companies or businesses. A client wants to know that their advertising dollars are being responsibly utilized and that they can see a true return on their investment (ROI).

If you’re looking for ideas that are the exception, not the norm. Those that are the result of a brand strategy that drives creative decisions and determines your brand’s unique voice? You should get in touch with John Wagoner, our brand strategist & account supervisor. You can reach John at or give him a call at  (423) 255-9961.