A Digital Refocus for Focus Treatment Centers
Focus Treatment Centers offer those dealing with substance abuse and eating disorders specialized programs that are specifically designed to fit each patient’s individualized needs. The result is these individualized programs are more than just “rehab.”
Focus relies heavily on the effectiveness and marketing support of digital media, especially their Website. The majority of their patients connect with them online. Social media and digital ads that link prospects to specific landing pages on their Site, are essential tools in connecting Focus with their audience.
When we met with the client, they were running a relatively extensive Display, Paid Search (PPC), and Paid Social marketing campaign, which included both Facebook and Twitter. However, they felt their current efforts were not producing the kind of clicks, calls and conversions they had initially anticipated.
Following our meeting, we began with an evaluation of their messaging and placement of their existing search and display ads. We also reviewed content on the Site. Quality content drives search engine rankings and increases Site traffic, improving your authority and relevance.
From there, we looked at keywords and keyword phrases potential visitors might use when searching. We examined Title, Description, and Keyword Metadata and finally we checked out links contained within the text on the Site’s pages and their search engine value.
After all this, we suggested messaging changes in their Search and Display ads, adding a sense of empathy and urgency to the wording. We also strengthened links to specific pages on the Site, ensuring that those who were searching a specific topic were linked to the proper page that immediately addressed it, increasing the possibility of conversion. We made sure that any links within page text had rich keywords, increasing search engine value. And we agreed to assist in writing and making monthly blog posts, containing relevant topics that were optimized for the search engines.
Although it has only been a month, the results of our efforts are quite promising. Impressions for the month have exceeded 491,000. Total clicks are well over 2,000. Calls from our Display and Search ads stand at 17 and conversions at a total of 47. The benchmark for conversions is 1.5%, but our conversion rate surpassed the benchmark at 2.1%.
That said, we look for even better numbers next month. You might say, sometimes a change in focus is a good thing.