Ian’s grown up a drummer. Art and music have been a big influence too. These and other experiences led to his degree in graphic design from Chatt State and the chance to work with the Tennessee Intercollegiate State Legislature. There he spent long weekends working with congress in Nashville. Says it was the unique design of his resume that got him the job. He also freelanced without pay just to get the experience of what it was like to work in his career field.

That commitment, that spirit define Ian and his approach to life and work. Maycreate is his first agency job. He’s intrigued with branding and its presence and influence in so many forms. “From photography, illustration, to murals and product design, right down to a webpage, people see themselves in a brand,” says Ian. Well, he’ll have plenty of opportunity to find out. Building great brands is an inherent part of Maycreate’s DNA.